特に配達指定がなければ、standard express service をご利用ください。ご指定の場所まで通常のスケジュールでお届けいたします。一部地域につきましては、「intraday express service」をご利用いただけます。このサービスは、貨物を受け取りの翌日にご指定の場所へお届けするものです。
If you have no particular requirements on shipping schedule, you can choose our "standard express service". TOP will deliver your goods to the appointed destination by standard schedule. For some areas, TOP offers "intraday express service." Cargo will be delivered to the appointed destination the next day of the cargo reception.
空港に貨物が到着した後、通常の運送スケジュールでは間に合わない場合は、「special-trucking express service」をご利用ください。通関が終了したのち、特別に手配したトラックで貨物をお届けします。
If your goods reach the port of destination, and they should be delivered to the appointed destination on the same day, which exceeds our schedule for normal express services, you can choose our "special-trucking express service". When your goods enter the country of destination and customs clearance has also been done, special persons and trucks are arranged to deliver your goods to appointed destination in short time. Extra fee would be charged.
ご指定の場所に到着するのがその国の祝祭日で、早急に荷物を送り届ける必要があるにもかかわらず、通常では荷物の運送が行われていないような場合、この「specially appointed holiday service」をご利用ください。TOPは祝祭日にも荷物をお届けいたします。当サービスをご利用になる際は、事前の予約と追加料金が必要となります。
In case that it is the holiday in the country and usually no goods are delivered on holidays, but your customer needs the goods urgently, you can choose our "specially appointed holiday service." TOP can deliver your goods to your customers on holidays. The service should be reserved in advance, and extra fee would be charge.
貨物をすばやく届けなければならない場合は、「hand-carry express service」をご利用いただけます。TOPが特別に手配したスタッフによる、ハンドキャリーサービスを提供いたします。ハンドキャリーサービスは、航空貨物輸送の手続きを省いているため、通関が早く、すばやいお届けを保障いたします。
If your goods should be delivered in a very short time, you can choose our "hand-carry express service". TOP provides the shipping international express service through specially arranged persons. The lading procedure is very convenient for hand-carry goods and cargo, so the clearance is quicker, and the timely delivery is powerfully guaranteed. Compared with standard express service, it is better and more considerate. Your urgent goods are delivered to the appointed destination in the shortest time. Extra fee would be charge.
通関終了ののち荷受人がその貨物を早急に必要としていて、追加料金を負担したくない場合は、「airport express self-pickup service」をご利用下さい。TOPカスタマーサービスに事前にお知らせいただければ、荷受人ご自身が貨物を直接引き取ることができます。
Your goods enter the country of destination and customs clearance has also been done. In case that the goods consignee needs them urgently, but you don't want to bear extra fee for urgent delivery, you can choose our "airport express self-pickup service". Just tell TOP customer service in advance, the goods are available for the consignee himself. The pick-up is arranged specifically.
お客様が国際輸送サービスを毎月何度もご利用になる場合、TOPのmonthly freight fee settlementをご活用ください。何度もお支払い手続きをする煩わしさがなくなり、時間の短縮にもなります。
If you need international express service many times in each month, TOP's monthly freight fee settlement is available. It avoids the heartache of repeating payment. Monthly freight fee settlement dramatically saves your payment time.
荷受人に支払いを任せたい場合は、「collect on delivery」をご利用下さい。料金は貨物をお届けした際に荷受人からお支払いいただき、お客様の負担はありません。
If you want the express fee to be paid by the consignee, you can choose "collect on delivery". No fee is charged to you, which will be collected from the consignee when the goods are delivered. Extra fee would be charged.
お客様が仲介貿易会社で、生産者から直接商品を顧客にお届けしたい場合、「third-party payment」をご利用いただけます。お客様の差出人としての許可の下、生産者がthird-party paymentを選択することで、運送などで発生する料金をお客様が負担することになります。お客様からのご要望にもとづき、TOPが海外の顧客にも生産者から直接商品をお届けします。このサービスによって途中の運送の流れがシンプルになり、運送効率が上がることで保管・運送費用が劇的に削減できます。
If you are an intermediary trading company and you want the goods to be delivered to your customers directly from the producer, you can choose our "third-party payment". By your approval, as the addresser, the producer just selects "third-party payment", and then the related shipping fee will be paid by you. According to your requirements, TOP will deliver your goods to your overseas customers directly from the producer. The service dramatically simplifies the intermediate circulation of the transport, increases the shipping efficiency, and substantially cuts your storage and transport cost. It is a sharp tool to lower your logistics cost during your international trade, and increase the shipping efficiency.